lEiQHTEEN PAOliiij INCLUDING I TDflE' CCD03 CrJJO The'Buffalo GET A FINE SET WORKS. Ths NE VS nuku in cxcnUofull altrsctlvs ol Inolu (iccllcnt oi books. PulfpartlcuUri in sVertiMmsnt oo HI oJ ths NE wS lodiy. Sunday News. ESTABLISHED 1873.
Boer Leaders Are in Conference. at Pietersburg Over the General Situation. MOB KILLED A WOMAN FOR SUSPECTED THEFT. Tennessee Horror That Passes All Bounds for Brutality-Amount Was $120. Mrs.
Sarah Gardner, an Old UNITED STATES NOT WORRIED ABOUT RUSSIA; Minister Conger Takes the Manchuria. Matter Seriously, But Washington' Does Not. (By Associated Press.) Woman of Corfu, Died Alone as She Had Lived. McCaugney, One of the "Wire Now in Prison, is Ready to Talk. CHARGES QUINN AND BLY WITH THE DEED.
FACE AND HANDS WERE TERRIBLY MUTILATED. (By Assocla.d Press.) (By Assoclsted Press.) She Had Been Dead for Two or Ha Sayi He Feared to Tell the Truth Before, But Now He is- in for a Long Term and Will Confess. NASHVILLE. March ll-Bal-lle Crutchneld, a colored woman Uvlrg near Koine, Smith County, was killed during the night by mob what took her from her cabin, carried her to a bridge, where she was bound, shot to death and thrown Into the creek. The woman was suspected cf having found and failed to return a lost puise containing SIM.
Three Days When She Was FoundWas Not a Miser. "I cannot aee how Kitchener can possibly accept De Wet'a surrender. If he ever gets him he will be obliged to try him for his recent alleged murders of prisoners. I have no doubt that the verdict of either a military or a civil court would be death, and If such verdict ahould be carried out there would be a horrible howl on the continent and In America. And.
Indeed, one would be sorry to see such a brava fighter meet such an end. Therefore, we can only hope De Wet will either be let out of the country or be shot In battle." SHANGHAI. March IS. The North China Gasette publishes an Interview with Mr. Edwin H.
Conger, the United 8tates Minister at Pekln. In which he Is quoted aa saying: "1 will not venture to say how far Russia Is prepared to go. The Man-ohurlan treaty Is still unconcluded, but If ratified It would certainly affect the peace negotiations. "Only the Germans and French are now engaging In punitive expeditions. (Special Dispatch to tht Sunday News.) (By Associated Press.) PAWTUCKET.
R. March 1S-Wllllam McCaugney. a member of tht LONDON. March special dispatch from Durban, Natal, aaya the Boar commsnders are holding a mating at Petersburg In Northern Transvaal, to discuss the position and the advisability of a continuation of the war. Whatever the result of the peace negotiations between Oen.
Kitchener and den. Botha It la tolerably certain that the rumors of the Inclusion of Oen. De-Wet In any form of amnesty are not baaed on fact. Oen. Kitchener's per-Wet In any form of amnesty are not known In Pall Mall, but If the War Office la consulted the officials there would rather see DeWet killed In action than taken alive.
One of the officials responsible for the direction of the affairs of the army said to a representative of the Associated Press: BATAVIA, March 17. With her hands and face terribly mutilated and chewed by rats beyond recognition Mrs Sarah famous "wire gang," who Is now serving COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF FILIPINOS HAS SURRENDERED. a term of two and a half years In the Gardner, a woman of SO years, was discovered dead In her home near Corfu The Germans are operating on the bor State prison at Cranston for theft of ders of Shan-Si and the French around Pao-Tlng-Fu. I believe It Is Impossi wire, this afternoon sent a letter to Mrs. at 6 o'clock Friday afternoon by neigh Robert L.
Fosburgh, Plttrfleld, bors who forced an entrance. tiations relative to the subjects of Indemnity and punishments The commissioner, however, made no reference to what Is described as the critical state of affairs at Tlen-Tsln resulting from the clash of Interests between the British and Russians In that quarter. The cable reports from Tlen Tsln Indicating that a collision between the British and the Russian forces Is Imminent, Is not retarded In a serious light In the diplomatic circles most concerned In the issue It Is said In these quarters that It relates to comparatively minor concessions which are not of a character to strain the relation between the Governments. NEW TORK, March lev. executive committee of the American Asiatic Association has transmitted to President McKlnley the protest of the American Asiatic Association of Shanghai against the Russo-Chlnese agreement received some time ago.
The committee accompanies the protest, with resolutions which, according to the preamble, are framed "on the authoritative announcement that there is In process of negotiation and already on the point ol ratification a convention between Rus. sla and China providing for the military and administrative control of Manchuria by the former power." LONDON, March 18. A dispatch from Oen. Kitchener, dated from Pretoria March It, announces that the notorious Abel Erasmus of Lydenberg has been brought In with his family by Col. Park's column.
In which he stated that If she or any one representing her would come to Crans The people who made the discovery were Mrs. Ella Culllns and George Russ, both of whom live nearby. Mrs. Culllns noticed several times during the day the ton, he would tell all he knew concerning the murder" of Miss May Fosburgh last August He says In the letter that his reason that the loaf of bread which the Poor- General Trias, Co-Leader With Againaldo, Yields to United States and Takes Oath of master generally left outside the door AND duch*eSS for not disclosing anything when Mrs, ble for the Emperor to return to Pekln until the allies withdraw and the Chinese officials are restored to power." The Empress Dowager's return, added Mr. Conger, depended on the capacity In which she came back.
The Emperor was free to bring her. The, Ministers recognized her responsibility In regard to the outbreak, but thought It was due to bad advice given by Prince Tuan and Gen. Tung Fuh Slang. WASHINGTON. March IS.
A cablegram was received at the State Department today from Mr. Rockhlll, special commissioner at Pekln, asking for instructions upon some of the points which have been made during the nego for the -eld woman was still In Its accustomed place and consequently sum Fosburgh and Judge Taylor visited him st the Jail In East Greenwich, was that COLLIDED AT SEA Steamer Cambromaa of Dominion Lins and the Bark Sigyn Cams Together. he was afraid he might be Implicated In moned Russ and they forced their way to the kitchen. Here Mrs. Gardner was the crime.
Now he Is serving a long OF CORNWALL SAIL (By Associated Press.) found lylngdead In the condKlon described. It was evident that she had been dead a long time, In fact since Wednesday when she was last seen by her neigh Future King and Queen of bors. It was evident that the rodents had swarmed over her body, the cloth WASHINGTON, March War Department has received the following cablegram from Gen. MacArthur at Manila, announcing the surrender of Trias: "Adjutant General, Washington: "Mariana Trias, only lieutenant general Insurgent army, surrendered March IS, San Francisco de Malabo with nine ing being torn In many places where England Start'Around the World, their sharp teeth had attacked the dead woman. Coroner Snow of Batavla was notified yesterday morning that a woman ZIMMERMAN DENIES IT.
Father of duch*ess of Manchester Say He Will Continue to Live on This Side. BURIED UNDER STRAW STACK. officers, 199 well-armed men. These Im had been found dead In her home but no details were given. He went to the scene and got home about 1 o'clock In the afternoon.
After concluding (By Associated Press.) LIVERPOOL, March IS. The Swedish bark Sigyn. Capt. Hoglund, haa arrived here with her bows badly damaged through a collision off the Island of Anglesey Thursday night with the Dominion line steamer Cambroman, Capt. Jones, which sailed from Liverpool March 14.
for Portland, Me. The Cam. broman proceeded. SHOT HIMSELF THROUGH LIVER. Despondent Young Man in New-York Took a Cab to Commit Suicide.
mediately took oath of allegiance In the presence of several natives. Most auspicious event; Indicates final his Investigation he granted a burial permit and found that the woman probably came to her death from an epileptic fit to which she was subject. stage armed Insurrection. The prestige ON VISIT TO GREAT BRITAIN'S COLONIES. They Lft Portsmouth Yesterday, Escorted by Their Majesties in the Royal Yacht.
Stephen Haupt andThos. McGulre Killed In an Unusual Accident. of Trias In Southern Luson Is equal to Mrs. Gardner who was a native of Agulnaldo's. Ireland and had lived In this country about thirty six years was very pe entertained here that the end of the Philippine insurrection Is almost reached and that soon peace will hover over our far away possessions.
In view of that hope the Secretary of War now proposes pushing as rapidly aa possible the preparation of a civil government for the Philippines. The plans of the President and the Secretary of War contemplate the transfer of the government from military to civil control not later than the first of June, and probably as early as the 1st to 15th of May. Instructions have been sent to Judge Taft of the Philippine Commission to hasten as much as possible the preparation for a form of government to take the place of the military power. The draft of the proposed form of government will be mailed to Washington as soon as completed. It will be approved by cable with whatever alterations the President may consider advisable.
The first step in placing the Islands under a civil government will be the appointment of Judge Taft as Governor. It is the opinion of high war department officials that Judge Taft will retain the other members of the commission as an executive council. It has been decided by Secretary Root that Gen. Mac-Arthur shall remain tn command at Manilla until the civil government Is Chaffee will leave China the latter part of April or early In May. It Is expected that he' will be able to relieve Gen.
MacArthur about May 16, at which time It Is hoped to transfer the government to the civil authorities. 'Oen. Bates and Col. Frank D. Bald culiar.
She drove all visitors away from her doors and would admit no one for win entitled to great credit for persistent work In bringing this about. any reason. This gave rise to the rumor that she was wealthy and was (Signed) "MAC ARTHUR." MANILA, March 16. Capt. -Gen.
Mar guarding her hoard of gold. The Coroner did not find any vast amount of NEW TORK, March IS. Eugene Zimmerman of Cincinnati, father of the duch*ess of Manchester, and Miss B. Evans, aunt of the duch*ess, sailed for Liverpool today on the steamship Urn-bria. "I ara going over to spend a month with my daughter." said Mr.
Zimmerman. "I shall return in a month. There Is no truth In the story that I have sold out on this side and am going to live Ir England." U. S. RECOGNIZES THE This Country the First- to Acknowledge the Submerging of Boer States.
iano Trias, commander-in-chief of the money however. The net result was a little over S12. a deed to the property, and a few unimportant documents. Insurgent forces, with 80 officers, 3000 men and 118 rifles, has surrendered to Baldwin of the 4th Infantry at San Francisco de Marabon, Cavlte province. It is believed that she was stricken sentence at Cranston and Is willing to give the Information.
He says that John Bly, one of the wire gang, wore cloth top shoes last August, Just like those found at the Fosburgh house after the murder, and that when he went to Bly't house In October, after being released from the Jail In Brookllne, he noticed these shoes were gone. At the house of Jonathan Smith, another member of the gang, he says he mlsed In October a brown derby hat, which Smith had been accustomed to wear. He say Bly turned State's evidence on the other members of the gang In regard the burglary at Adams, In otder to divert suspicion from Qulnn and himself. He says Patterson told him he knew all about the Plttsflold murder. In an Interview at the Jail McCaughy said Bly Patterson and Hackett, all members of the gang, robbed the Zylon-lte mill at Adams In July before he was committed to lall In Brookllne.
and that accordingly they could have no motive In visiting It again In August at the time of the Fosburgh murder. He accused Bly and Qulnn of the murder. He said he saw Qulnn here after he returned from the Brokllne Jail and Qulnn told htm he was going away. NO COMPLAINT "AGAINST LOOMIS. United States Minister to Venezuela is Entirely Satisfactory There.
WASHINGTON, March IS. It can be stated upon authority that up to this moment no complaint has been lodged against Mr. Loomls, Minister to Venezuela, by the Venesuelan Government, nor has there been any suggestion from that source that his wlthdrawol would be acceptable. The officials again declare that Mr. Loomls has been doing his duly and no more than his duty.
This belief on the part of the officials Is confirmed by Senor Pulldo, the Venesuelan Charge here, who has stated that the Venezuelan Government has only the kindliest feeling toward Mr. Loomls and that the attacks which are said to have been made upon the Minister came from Irresponsible Wednesday morning as a glimpse of her was had at that time and the bread The officers took the oath of allegiance and have been given their liberty. Additional surrenders are promised. was not left till Thursday. The kitchen stove near, which the body lay was all WASHINGTON, D.
March 16 (Special). Because of the report from prepared for lighting and the lids were off showing fresh paper and kindling. The woman had no near relatives the only ones known being Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Judd of East Buffalo.
Gen. MacArthur, received today, of the surrender of Mariano Trias, the only lieutenant general In the Insurgent army In the Philippines, great hopes are (Special Dispatch to the Sunday News) NIAGARA FALLS. March It-Stephen Houpt, a1 farmer, 46 years old, living one mile south of the village of Barkers In Niagara county, and Thos. McGulre, a hired man In his employ, were smothered death under a five-ton stack of straw on Houpt' farm this morning. Tho men went out at an early hour to do some work.
It is supposed they went to the straw staok to get a quantity of straw and the stack toppled over and buried them beneath It About 11 o'clock Houpt's wife noticed the stack had fallen over. Not seeing him about the farm she feared he was under it and sent for two or three neighboring farmers. After considerable work they succeeded In tearing the stack apart and the dead bodl-s of Houpt and McGulre were found under It Coroner Majme of Lockpnrt was summoned and took charge of the case. Dr. J.
P. Hlggs of Somerset was also called In. Haupt leaves a widow, two daughters and two brothers. One of his brothers Is Wilbur E. Haupt, the well-known attorney of Buffalo and the other Haupt of Columbus, Ohio.
Both of them arrived on an unexpected visit and were present when their brother's (By Associated Press.) PORTSMOUTH, March IS. Amidst the firing of a royal salute by the assembled fleet and hearty cheers from the concourse of people gathered at all points of vantage, the steamer Ophlr with the Duke and duch*ess of fwrawvtt i-irW on board, started at about 4 o'clock this afternoon on the voyage which Is no to terminate until their royal highnesses shall have made a tour of the Troops and bands of music playing the national anthem lined the quays and all the ships were manned and dressed, brilliant groups of naval, military and civil officials, In full uniforms, with masses of the public, forming a combination showing both the State and the popular character of the send-off. King Edward and queen Alexandra 'pn board the royal yacht Victoria and Albert accompanied by i eight torpedo boat destroyers escorted the Ophlr a few miles out. The last farewell signals were exchanged betwen their majesties and the Duke and duch*ess of Cornwall and York near the Nab Lightship, though (By Associated Press.) NEW TORK, March IS. A man about 27 years old who registered at the Morton House, as Charles J.
Peters, this city, on March 8, as from Boston, shot himself In the right side-today In a cab In Jersey City. Th bullet penetrated the liver and the man will probably man said that up to three weeks ago he had been employed in a store in this city and that he shot himself because he had lost his place. The man was Identified as James Peter Crowley, by his mother, Mrs. H. M.
Crowley, of Providence, R. I. She said that son was born In Providence and that he was formerly a clerk in a Sixth avenue department store. New Tork. She said the young man had been drinking considerably of late.
COAST ARTILLERY COMPANY COMING. Secretary Root Grants Permission for a Full Company at BIG COAL STRIKE IS IMMINENT. GiflLS BURIED TO DEATH IN BIG STRIKE IN PITTSBURG, Allied Building Trades Threaten to Go Out Monday for the Paper Hangers. (By Associated Press.) PITTSBURG, March 18. Unless the TF (By Associated Press.) NEW TORK, March 16.
A special from Washington to the Herald says: The United States has given official, although Indirect recognition to Great Britain's annexation of the two former republics with which It Is at war in South Africa. This recognition Is accorded In the State Department annual review of the commerce of the United States with foreign countries Just Issued. In this publication It Is explained In a foot note that the former republics have been annexed to Great Britain and that they are now only colonies of an empire. The United States Is the first power to recognise the annexation, all other powers having taken the stand that recognition. Is not In order until they have had the formal notice which Great Britain has not yet given.
Boer sympathisers are considerably wrought up over the fact that the United States should be the first to accord recognition to the hated- and disputed annexation. United nine Workers' Convention Declares OneMayBeCalled on April the vessels remained In sight of each other until the Ophlr rounded the end pf the Isle of Wight and entered the chan Jiel bound for Gibraltar. the Exposition. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 16. The meeting held here this afternoon Try the Pan-American Government Board, was Before the departure the royal party contractors discharge all non-union paper hangers and decorators at once there will likely be a general strike of the Allied Building Trades in Pittsburg and Allegheny on Monday.
The paper hangers and fresco painters struck on March 1st for an advance tn wages and their places were filled with non-union men. (By Associated Press.) HAZLETON. March IS. The Unit ed Mine Workers' convention adjourned body was found. TO CAMP AT EXPOSITION.
Connecticut Guard Officer Strongly Favors a Week at Buffalo. Fire in St. Joseph; Re-sul in Death of Several Young Women. (By Associated Press.) ST. JOSEPH, March 1.
The Noyes Norman shoe factory and the Richardson, Roberts ft Byrnes' overall and shirt factory. Third and Farron streets, were destroyed by fire late this shortly before noon. The convention, Tho edict has now gone forth that no KING EDWARD IS VERY SORRY. after an all-morning conference, adopted a resolution the National Executive Board to negotiate for another joint conference with the operators, falling to secure which the board has authority to declare a general strike In the anthracite fields, probably to go union man will be permitted to work on any building or in any shop with nonunion workmen after today. The trades interested are carpenters, plasterers, steam and gas fitters, electricians, marble workers, palnirs, tile setters, and structural workers.
attended by the full board and considerable business was transacted, but much of It was of a routine nature. One very important Hem of business was transacted, however, and that was the application by the board to the Secretary of War for the detail of a full company of coast artillery to be stationed at the Exposition during the entire six months. It was the unanimous application of the board, and was heartily endorsed by Director-General. landed at the Jetty where King Edward conferred the Victoria medal on the blue Jackets of H. M.
8. Excellent, who dragged the funeral gun carriage of Queen Victoria after the horses became unmanageable at Windsor railroad station. After luncheon the King toasted the Duke and the duch*ess and wished them a prosperous voyage. His Majesty said that one of the objects of the tour was to express appreciation of the loyal help rendered by the British (colonies In the South African campaign. The Duke of Cornwall and Tork proposed the King's health.
The guests at the luncheon numbered about 70 including Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, i THE ALABAMA afternoon, causing the death, probably, A FINE SHIP. into effect April 1. of several persona All the' victims are girls, and were employed In the shirt factory. Miss Louise Eslondau, aged 20, Is The preamble to the resolution recftes that "We have On several occasions lm THAT WALDORF KIDNAPING.
known to be dead. Florence Terry and Miss Mamie Berry leaped from the "-TheppHeatlonaspromptljrrsjifcLl: plored the operators to meet with us In Joint conference to mutually agree upon. (By Associated Press.) HARTFORD. March 18. In answer to the inquiry today as to what he thought of the proposition to have a special aot passed by the Legislature by which the annual encampment of the Connecticut National Guard would be transferred this year to Buffalo, the attraction being the Pan-American Exposition, Col.
Schultse of the First Regiment said that he was very much In fa Final Report on the Great Fighting Machine Proves Her Fast and third story of the Noyes Norman build ed by Secretary Root, and the company comprised of 60 men, will be present and and establish a scale of wages and conditions of employment for the term of ing and were caught by firemen in a take partjn the drills dally during the net They are badly burned. John life of the Expos! tIbh.They wilt form repeatedly Ig nored orir Invitations and treated us one of the Interesting attractions of Friede, a fireman, was severely Injured. The flre Is supposed to have started In with contempt or silence. Former Husband to Find Her Child. "We believe that we are entitled to the engine room, where a firemen had the great LOST THEIR vor of the scheme.
much more consideration than we re been using gasoline to clean machinery. SCARLET FEVER PATIENTS WEDDED. Young Man and Woman Both III With Fever, Were Mar-: ried Yesterday. He added that it would arouse an ln- AaaiMhla vmintf men In Flames broke out at 4 o'clock and 10 ceive and are fully entitled to meet with those who employ us and are our equals under the law and constitution of our minutes later the structure had fallen (By Associated Press.) Sent the Kansas Legislature a Stereotyped Letter Thanking Them for JL- (By. Associated TOPEKA, March 16.
A letter was received here last night from Joseph Choate, United States Ambassador to England, In which the regrets of King Edward VII. are expressed for the unfortunate wording of the message to the Kansas Legislature after the death of Queen Victoria. The Legislature sent a letter of condolence to King Edward after the death of Queen Victoria and In his letter of acknowledgment the King expressed thanks for the loyalty of the Kansana. 'One of "the legislators objected to the word "loyalty," and his motion to have the letter stricken from the records prevailed. Mr.
Choate's letter explains that a common wording was used In all letters of acknowledgment to persons tn the British dominions and by an oversight the wording was not changed in writing to the Kansas Legislature. Mr. Choate. writing to the Legislative Committee, says: and rni ni.ivj.is military affairs and would help to fill th ranks of some of the regiments which are now considerably depleted. NEW YORK, March 18.
Mrs. Jennie country, and with them discuss and decide matters of mutual Interest" in. Many people saw several girls at the fourth story windows of the shirt factory Just a moment before the walls Conductor, Engineer, Flagman Dispatcher Discharged for a Fatal Accident T. D. Nlcholls, president of District No.
1. said last night (By Associated Press.) i WASHINGTON, March 18. Ths Navy Department has received from Admiral Evans, the president of th trial board, the report upon the final trial of the battleship Alabama, which took place from March.ll to 13, off Pen-sacola, Fla. Tho report says that a two hours' full power trial under natural draught Was had. The horse-power developed was 7506, and the speea made was 16.2 knots.
Summing up results the board says that the trial developed no weakness or defect In hull or machinery, and that the ship Is built of good materials; shows good workmanship, and there waa'no breakdown or failure. "It Is believed the mine workers were forced Into their action this morning. The operators are wholly to blame If trouble results. Conditions which are unfair still exist and a conference CHAUTAUQUA'S JRUIT. Basket Makers' Convention Diicutted Informally the Exposition's.
vs Display. I (Special Dispatch to the Sunday News.) riTrwtfTnif March 1(L The Chautau Hodge who accuses her former husband Richard Levis Maxwell of having kidnaped their 5-year-eld from the Waldorf-Astoria last evening, took an early train for Philadelphia today in the hope of recovering possession of her child. Mrs. Hodge asserted that Maxwell had stolen the girl In the hope that the mother would ransom her by giving up certain papers he had long been anxious to possess and she was certain that she would find the child at Maxwell's home, 180 Manham street, Germantown. A dispatch from Germantown states that Mr.
Maxwell's sister denies that he has returned home. (By Associated Press.) NEW TORK, March 16. Eugene S. Reynal and Miss Adelaide Fitzgerald were married today at the residence of Howard Wlllett. White Plains, though both bride and groom-were filleted with scarlet fever and have been In quarantine for days.
The bridegroom was In a critical condition early In the day and when he was told of this will be necessary to adjust tnem. "The United Mine Workers of America represent every mine In the -Anthra. (By Associated Press.) MIDDLETOWN, N. March 1. As a result of investigations by the Ontario Western railroad officials Into the cause of the fatal wreck at Hurley-vllle Feb the conductor, engineer, flagman and train dispatcher have been displaced.
Two persons died as the result of the wreck and several were severely Injured. A LACKAWANNA cite coal fields and are authorized to speak for the miners. The operators should not be afraid to meet the men in joint conference. If their course or qua County Basket Manufacturers' As contentions on seals matters are just sociation held a meeting here this arter-nnnn There was a larare a tendance. A The most important demands which RIPPER BILL APPROVED.
Pennsylvania Courts Due ids the Nevt Miature to 6a collapsed, and are confident none escaped. The aggregate loss Is S100.000. GERMANY BLOCKS DODGE OF SULTAN. Scheme of Paying the Armenian Indemnity Through a Cruiser Stopped. (By Associated NEW YORK, March IS.
A special to the Times from Washington says: The arrangement by Avhich the Sultan of Turkey was to pay his debts to the United States under cover of the purchase of a cruiser from the Cramps has fallen through. The Cramps have not begun work on the Turkish cruiser and will not do so. The prime cause of the failure of the device so ingeniously contrived by the Sultan was the shrewd move of Germany. Germany was determined that If the tne miners will make. It is said, rec' "I am Informed that the King was much pained when he learned of this blunder." ognitlon of their union which Was notl insisted upon during the strike last ENGINEER KILLED.
Engine of the Flyer Jumped the Track at a Switch and Turned Over. PORTAGEVILLE i BADLY BURNED. Disastrous Fire Started There Threatened Whole Town With Destruction. $8000 ICE HOUSE FIRE AT DUNKIRK. Oily Waste and Other Refuse Suggest That Building Was Set Ablaze.
year, and a uniform wage scale. In order to bring about the latter condition a slight advance, It is said, wilt be asked for by the men tn the Lehigh, Schuylkill and Wyoming regions. Considerable bitterness has. been engendered among the delegates by the refusal of the mine owners to confer with then) and many of them claim that last year's Scranton agreement has been violated by the employers. On this account they assert their determination to Insist on a proper adjustment of their grievances.
(By Associated Press.) SCRANTON. March Lackawanna County Courts today decided the "Ripper" bill valid and constitutional. The act is sustained In a lengthy opinion written by Presiu I Judge Archibald. resolution was unanimously adopted to make a better grade of baskets than has ben used for shipping the fruit In former After the meeting there was an Informal discussion as to the coming fruit exhibition at the Pan-American, which will In all probability eclipse anything of the past ever held In the United States. M.
i CHOSE THEIR HEW OFFICER. New York and Kins County Republicans File Names for Election Cor? nit sioners, I he asked Miss Fitzgerald to consent to an Immediate marriage, and this she did. The couple have been engeged for some time and were to have been married April 24 next. They returned from Aiken, 8. a few days ago and were visiting Mr.
Willett, when! both were stricken with scarlet fever. 1 A physician and nurses were engaged, and everything possible done to make the patients it comfortable. A turn for the worse came In Mr. Rey-nal's condition last night and early this morning he determined on marriage If possible, believing death to be near. Rev.
Father Francis J. Meany, assistant rector of St. John's Catholic Church, consented to perform the ceremony. He wbs taken to Mr. Reynal's room.
Miss Fitzgerald, who was able to be up, was assisted to this room and the ceremony' was performed. The witnesses were the five nurses employed to wait on the two patients. The bride left the room Immediately. Mr. Reynal seemed to brithten up considerably after the mar-rit- -e.
A ocnRultatlon of physicians was h-Jid evening and It hhs deckled that r. i--' had a chance of recovery. uh iv id iirs. Reynal are well knosvn people. (By Associated Press.) ROCHESTER.
March 16. A SDeclnl to the Post Express from Fillmore, N. says: American claims were to be paid hers should be paid as well. It was Impossible to assume that the American claims would be paid for the Sultan had The most disastrous fire In the history KAXOSA STATION If BATH, Starch IS 'er bery of the L. ona Friday even.
Sheriff's o. at t' tllOUKllt to havi' t. (By Associated Press.) SCRANTON, March 16. Fassen-gen train No. 4 on the Lackawanna road jumped the track near Slattervllle near Delaware Water Gap this afternoon, killing Engineer Lyman Chase, of Factoryville, and injuring Fireman Johnson, of Scranton; Baggage-master Chris Kierstead, of Jersey City, and Brakeman Frank Smock, of Scranton.
A collision at Slattorville last night had blocked the tracks completely and the pas -nirer train was goin Into a switch aroui'd the wr- c. The of Portageville, N. was In progress at noon today. The lire originated in the kitchen of the house of A. Cornwall on IVialn street.
This house was con (Special Dispatch to the Sunday News.) DUNKIRK, March 16. The large Icehouse and sheds adjoining, belonging to the Dotterwelch Brewing Company on Sixth street, were totally destroyed by fire at 11 o'clock tonight, with their entire contents con" of 11, WO toi'B of Ice and 3. 1 be b' broke out in i i of one c' and i an In- so cleverly contrived the payment that he would be abie to reply to Germany that he was rnr'V buying- a warnip and was not puv any debts. Germany, thcreiore, cd the b'tltan by mai hr r1 i fur ine niei'f i'f an i fr tn vr. n' i.
i a I i i- ci I -til. sumed and the flre spread succc- ively to the house of Thomas Gfi the Crals ffneral store and tiie (Fy .4 1 Press.) 1 ail i store rt AMBASSADORS RESIGN. Sf ain' Representative! at Foreign Courts Act on Change of Ministry. (By Associated Press.) MADRID, March 16. Quiet has been re-established In Calania through arbitration on the part of the prefect.
A.any of -anich Ambussadors abroad have 'red their rea: on account rf In Dtrv it in v-d I will be -ti Sen in i posto Gilbert In oted. 1 i store ci I bur; I are In ov.r. i ley vi Lt- i topriied iwn rthe nti-t 6e- as I T. 1 the ti rt i. two rar.M bu i cr' pd I TiRT i nit but cri ill" bank T)er ne'ti ci KIH S'H BET HOIISI.
IS. The Hotel Vidh been soM to H. I. iJ PotLMt prov. it i.